Reopening Plans for 2020-2021
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Important District Information
Reopening Schools Plan
“Reopen, Restart, and Return to Learn”
Board Approved: June 24, 2020
Message from the Superintendent
Like all school districts in the nation, Holly Springs School District is developing a plan to reopen and restart our schools.
Considerations for reopening the schools included the following:
- Maintaining the safety of students and staff as it relates to the coronavirus
- Providing instructional support to ensure students continue to learn to prevent major learning gaps
- Providing social and emotional supports that many of our students receive at school
- Continuing to support our parents so that that they will not have to take on the burden of educating our students during these difficult times
On June 25, 2020, the Holly Springs School Board approved a Hybrid Model for the beginning of the school year as part of a reopening plan. A Hybrid model is where students come to school to receive face-to-face instruction some days during the week and participate in virtual instruction from home the other days. For example, Kindergarten and 2nd Grade may come to school on Monday and Wednesday and complete virtual instruction from home the other days of the week. For parents who do not feel comfortable sending their child to school, an Enhanced Virtual Learning Model will be given.
This model is only being recommended for the beginning of the school year. The district will evaluate the plan after the first two months of school. The District would like to emphasize that this is an evolving situation and the district will take whatever steps that are in the best interest of our students and staff. If the Governor, Legislature, Center for Disease Control or Local Health Agency recommend full virtual instruction, the district will follow the recommendation.
Some of the most important reasons for choosing the Hybrid Model include the following:
- The Hybrid Model will allow for a reduced number of students in a classroom as well as allow for screening, social distancing and other guidelines recommended by the Center for Disease Control.
- The Hybrid Model will allow school staff to better clean and sanitize buildings, buses, and other areas.
- The Hybrid Model will allow students to receive face-to-face instruction from teachers in order to master grade-level information which will be critical to their success in the future.
- The Hybrid Model will allow students to receive social and emotional support while at school.
- The Hybrid Model will assist parents with support in the educational process.
Parent meetings will be scheduled the week of July 20, 2020 to provide more details and allow parents to ask specific questions. If you have questions related to this comprehensive plan, please do not hesitate to contact me at 662.252.2183.
Irene Walton Turnage, Superintendent
A Culture of Safety
The district will encourage a culture of safety by completing the follow activities recommended by the Mississippi Department of Health:
Maintaining Healthy Operations:
- Use Hybrid Model for reopening to allow students to be in small groups and stay together
- Stagger schedules
- When possible, provide virtual group events, gatherings, meetings and fieldtrips
- Support coping and resilience with students, staff and families
Maintaining Healthy Environments:
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces including buses, classrooms, bathrooms, and other areas.
- Provide alternatives to highly used units like water fountains
- Provide reusable face coverings, sanitizer dispensers, and sanitizer stations
- Discourage sharing of items that are difficult to clean or disinfect
- Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible
- Modify layouts of desks/seating
- Provide guidance and training on social distancing
- Consider closing or reorganizing communal spaces for safety
- Consider alternative options for food service like Grab-and-Go and delivering meals to the classroom
Promoting Healthy Behaviors:
- Educate staff, students, and families about safety including prevention measures and when to stay home
- Teach and reinforce healthy hygiene, like frequent hand washing and covering coughs and sneezes
- Ensure adequate supplies to ensure healthy hygiene behaviors
- Teach and reinforce the use of cloth face coverings
- Post signs and make announcements that promote everyday protective measures and describe how to stop the spread of germs
Regular Cleaning of Buildings and Buses
Restricted Visitation
Daily Temperature Checks and Simple Screenings
Face Coverings
Teaching and Maintaining a Culture of Safety
Holly Springs School District Hybrid Model Protocols
Parent Support and Daily Screenings |
Transportation Protocols |
Facility Protocols |
Operational Protocols |
Health and Hygiene Protocols |
Child Nutrition/Food Service Protocols |
Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 Guidelines
When a student or staff member has a confirmed case of COVID-19, the following steps will be taken:
The student or staff will be quarantined until he/she can be picked up by a parent or relative
The school will notify the parents and Mississippi Department of Health
The school will identify close contacts for contact tracing
The school will send student or staff and all close contacts home for 14 days or recommended days
The school will complete an environmental cleaning of affected areas
The school will arrange for an educational plan for absent student(s)
Return to School Guidelines:
3 days with no fever and
Respiratory symptoms have improved (e.g. cough, shortness of breath) and
10 days or recommended days since symptoms first appeared and
Note from Healthcare officials stating student or staff can return to school or work. Return date must be included.
In the event of an outbreak (3 or more cases within any group, class or team):
The school will notify Mississippi Department of Health
All group members should be quarantined for 14 days or recommended days
Closure of School Building (or School) if necessary
Re-opening – Minimum 14 days or when appropriate
Academics and Grading
Students will be required to master all grade level curriculum. Students will be required to master essential standards and all promotion goals as outlined by the district.
Hybrid Model:
The Hybrid Model will consist of students coming to school for face-to-face instruction a minimum of two days a week. Independent practice will be complete on the other days. Fridays will be used for small group instruction and make-up work. A schedule is provided at the end of this plan to outline the days students will have face-to-face instruction.
Enhanced Virtual Learning Option:
Parents who have students with underlying health issues that may be impacted by COVID-19 or who do not want to send their child to soon at this time will have the option of letting their child complete an enhanced virtual learning model which will involve completing virtual learning activities every day. Students who participate in full virtual learning will be required sign in for classes; master the same standards; and complete all assignments. Please see information related to Holly Springs School District’s Enhanced Virtual Learning Model included in this document.
Graduation, Promotion and Testing:
The district will follow graduation requirements in the student handbook aligned to district policy and guidelines outlined by the Mississippi Department of Education. All students will be required to come to school for all major district and state tests.
Students must attend school on days scheduled and complete all virtual learning activities assigned in order to receive credit for attendance, receive a grade or credit, and meet the promotion requirement in district policy.
Changing Options:
Parents will be able to change options one time either from the Enhanced Virtual Model to Hybrid Model or from the Hybrid Model to the Enhanced Virtual Model.
Sports and Other Activities:
Information related to sports and other extracurricular will follow all guidelines from the Center for Disease Control (CDC); Mississippi High School Athletic Association and Holly Springs School District policies and procedures. More information will be shared with parents at the beginning of the school year.
HSSD Enhanced Virtual Learning Model
Please notify your child’s school by July 27, 2020 if your child will participate in the school’s enhanced virtual learning program using the survey that will be sent to all parents on July 22, 2020 using the district email. system.
Program Description:
- Students participating in the virtual learning program will participate in the same academic calendar as students participating in the Hybrid Model.
- Students participating in the virtual learning program will be required to master all grade level curriculum and standards required for promotion.
- Students participating in the virtual learning program will need internet access in order to participate in the district’s learning management system.
- Students participating in the virtual learning program will have attendance taken every day in accordance with required attendance guidelines.
- The virtual learning program will consist of rigorous grade level instruction needed for students to master grade level instruction.
- Some elective courses may not be offered to students participating in the virtual learning program.
- Students participating in the virtual learning program will still be required to take all district and state tests.
- Students participating in the virtual learning program will have to come to the school to take all tests.
Grading Requirements:
- All Holly Springs School District’s Grading Policies outlined in the student handbook will apply to the virtual learning.
Other Related Information:
- Meals will be available for students participating in the Virtual Learning Program. Please let the school staff know when registering your child for the enhanced virtual learning program if lunches deliveries will be needed.
Note: While virtual learning is an option for students, it is not equitable to the traditional classroom setting.
Holly Springs School District
Hybrid Model Schedule for All Schools
Please Note: August 6- September 4, 2020 will be virtual in order to ensure students can access virtual classrooms; access to the learning management system; and have needed supplies for safety. The full schedule will begin September 8, 2020.
Holly Springs Primary:
- Monday and Wednesdays – Pre-K, Kindergarten and 2nd
- Tuesdays and Thursdays and August 7, 2020 – 1st and 3rd
- Fridays – Small Group Remediation and Make-up Work
Holly Springs Intermediate:
- Monday and Wednesdays – 4th Grade
- Tuesdays and Thursdays and August 7, 2020– 5th and 6th Grades
- Fridays – Small Group Remediation and Make-up Work
Holly Springs Junior High:
- Monday and Wednesdays – 7th Grade
- Tuesdays and Thursdays and August 7, 2020 – 8th Grade
- Fridays – Small Group Remediation and Make-up Work
Holly Springs High School:
- Monday and Wednesdays – 9th and 11th Grades
- Tuesdays and Thursdays and August 7, 2020– 10th and 12th Grades
- Fridays – Small Group Remediation and Make-up Work
Parents will be notified if students need to come on Fridays. Otherwise Friday’s instruction will be virtual.
Communication System for Comprehensive Reopening Plan
Communication and updates related to HSSD Comprehensive Reopening Plan will be completed using the following:
o The District Website:
o The District Facebook Page
o The District Callout/Email/Text System
o Local Radio Stations
o Local Newspaper Updates
Questions and Comments
Please direct all questions and comments to the following persons:
Irene Walton Turn age, Superintendent
Phone: 662.252.2183
Eileen Dowsing, Assistant Superintendent
Phone: 662.252.2183